Planning Using UDL
Universal Design for Learning, developed by CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology), can be used when designing lessons to remove barriers and maximize student learning. To optimize teaching and learning for all your students, including those with learning disabilities, it is important to plan lessons that provide:
Multiple means of Engagement:
Multiple means of engagement is the WHY of learning. Why does this particular student need to learn this information? Every student has different interests and needs to be engaged and motivated in a unique way. Tap into your students' unique learning styles and interests to maximize engagement while still focusing on the required learning outcomes.
To do this:
- Stimulate interest and motivation for learning by appealing to the interests of the student
- Plan lessons and activities with varying difficulty or complexity
- Support student self-regulation of their emotions and motivations
Multiple means of Representation:
Multiple means of representation is the WHAT of learning. Students differ in how they perceive and comprehend information. Different students may need different ways of acquiring information and knowledge. Present information and content in different ways.
To do this:
- Appeal to multiple senses
- Clarify language and symbols
- Scaffold comprehension by providing necessary background information, highlighting critical information, and providing guidance as students transfer their learning to new situations.
Multiple means of Action & Expression
Multiple means of action and expression is the HOW of learning. Not all students navigate learning and show what they know in the same ways. Provide students with alternatives for representing learning.
To do this:
- Use appropriate and meaningful Assistive Technology
- Allow students choice of media and tools when showing their learning beyond written work, e.g. filming a video, teaching a peer, information booth, oral presentation, drawing, sculpture, and drama.
- Support executive functions like organization, goal setting and strategy development
- Allow multiple means of assessment (i.e. can the exam be completed orally?) [1]
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